All posts by jamaicaninchina

"Once upon a time, there was a Jamaican civil engineer living in New York City who hated his job. He followed his passion, started a sideline business publishing his own books, quit his job, escaped the rat race, ran off to a tropical island in the Pacific, and started a tourism business so he could give tours of the island to pretty girls every day! He now lives a nomadpreneur's dream life, while helping others do the same!" This is his story: Read more at :

Reload My 6-Month China Adventure!

A few years ago, I embarked on a unique adventure and spent 6 months doing the nomad thing from Saipan, several cities throughout China, as well as in Laos and Singapore! I had a great time, met a lot of great people, and chronicled it through email updates to my mailing list of followers! With travel restrictions now in effect, I’ve created a weekly email to give YOU a chance to re-live the adventure just as if you were there! Simply sign up to the Jamaican in China “Reloaded” email, then sit back and enjoy the ride in your email inbox every three or so days!

CLICK HERE to re-live the adventure in your email inbox!

CLICK HERE to re-live the adventure in your email inbox!

and/or download the entire Guess Who’s Coming to Dim Sum PDF

When you think no one is watching

Just completed filming a comparison of my NEW results with the previous 23andMe results. I trailed off my narrative, got lost in reviewing the results and forgot that the camera was still recording! So as a preview & test of the sound and video quality of the soon-to-be-released video, here’s an EXCITING 3 minute outtake of me silently staring at my laptop screen, touching my face and rubbing my nose, until I finally realized the camera was still rolling!


Why China? Vietnam? Asia-Pacific? An answer in allegory!

I came across this short allegory online and immediately thought it was the best answer to why I had to leave New York City and why I’ve found my bliss in China, Vietnam and the Asia-Pacific region. The story was credited to Joshua Crouch, though I’m not sure if he’s the original author. (I’ve changed the speaker’s child from “daughter” to “son.”)


A father said to his son “You have graduated with honors, here is a car I bought many years ago. It is pretty old now. But before I give it to you, take it to the used car lot downtown and tell them I want to sell it and see how much they offer you for it.”

The son went to the used car lot, returned to his father and said, “They offered me $1,000 because they said it looks pretty worn out.”

The father said, now “Take it to the pawn shop.” The son went to the pawn shop, returned to his father and said,”The pawn shop offered only $100 because it is an old car.”

The father asked his son to go to a car club now and show them the car. The son then took the car to the club, returned and told his father,” Some people in the club offered $100,000 for it because “it’s an iconic car and sought by many collectors.”

Now the father said this to his son “The right place values you the right way,” If you are not valued, do not be angry, it simply means you are in the wrong place. Those who know your value are those who appreciate you……Never stay in a place where no one sees your value.

Vietnamese cutie picks me up in Saigon


People often ask me how different is dating and meeting people in Asia. Here’s a typical occurence:


Saigon, Vietnam. I’m sitting in the park at 6am this morning filming an intro for my next “Jamaican in China and Beyond” blog video. A cute girl comes up and peers into my camera, says she likes my white outfit, invites me to follow her to another side of the park. I’m a little suspicious at first about the long walk, but turns out she just wanted to be closer to her friends who do Qigong/dancing in the morning. 

We end up chatting and walking around town. She’s cute, just the face/eyes/body type I like, but seems she hadn’t really pampered herself in a while, so after buying her breakfast, I take her to a spa to have them do her nails and feet.

I was even going to do the Pretty Woman/Set if Off thing where I buy her a dress (remember the scene in Set it Off where Blair Underwood buys Jada Pinkett an evening dress for a dinner party?). Since neither her English nor my Vietnamese were up to par, we communicated by Google Voice Translate for the whole morning, and she says it’s the nicest anyone has ever treated her.

In any event, here’s the actual video of us meeting for the first time and her picking me up (turns out I’m pretty easy), and a clip from inside the nail salon We hang out some more until 12:30, but I had to leave to go get my passport from the Thai Consulate at 1pm, so we part, but agree to hang out later that day.

There’s more to the story, but you’ll have to follow my channel if you want to learn more!

Taiji by the Sea with Shifu 师父 Catherine and me

My Tai Chi instructor (师父),  Catherine Rosario Perry, posted a teaser clip from our “Taiji by the Sea” Performance Day here on Saipan  on her Facebook page.

Thanks to Catherine, fellow student, Mr. Jang, and I met every Monday morning at 6am for the past several weeks and  learned Wudang 8 (武當8) style.  With that crossed off my bucket list, I can now confidently join the morning exercises in the parks next time I’m in Beijing or any other city in China! Here are a few still shots, but of course, video is best, so check out her clip, and if you’re on Saipan, sign up for the course!  (If the video is “unavailable” below, watch it direcly here

Here is a version with a unique soundtrack featuring Quist


Here is the full original 5 min performance:




Setting up my youtube studio

As part of the Pandemicpreneur™ series, I’ll be creating video “courses” with information, inspiration and instruction about survival strategies in the age of Corona: Subscribe (and see the other channels) here:

1. Here’s the high-speed video of me actually setting up the in-home studio (Fans of Benny Hill may get a kick out of it!)

2. To prepare for the launch and re-branding,  here are the 5-second animated intro videos for each of my channels*:


*I used to create them. You can create as many as you like for yourself free of charge! (I paid for the high-resolution 720p version without the watermark, for $19.99)

Re-living Thailand! A food, friends and fashion photo gallery

Here are some highlights from my 2018 trip to Thailand to help pass the time during the pandemic lockdown of 2020! For those who’ve asked where I get the cool shirts I wear, see one of the actual stores below!

On the flight to Bangkok. Yes, I was wearing masks on airline flights back in 2018 before it was a thing…

Bus ride from the airport to the part of Bangkok where my hostel was located.

A friendly stranger notices the lost look in my eyes and offers to help me navigate the city

Taxi drivers have no idea where the hostel is, so I stop inside a Tesco to ask them to make a call on my behalf

During the trip, I visit Yanhee International Hospital for a colonic! Yep, my idea of a fun vacation!

Mango Vegetarian Restaurant, one of my new favorite spots in Thailand!

Go ahead, carnivores, admit it! You’re tempted! Say it! I won’t tell anyone!



Every day was a different culinary experience at Mango



The view from inside my usual spot


Friendly wait staff!


Getting a tour of the night markets from another hostel manager….

…he and his wife even invited me into his home…


On my way to Bobae Market for my once a year shopping expedition




As we say in Jamaica, “Reggae gone international!” Bob Marley clothing is everywhere!


The shirt I’m wearing in this photo was actually a gift from a friend in Macau, but similar styles are available here in Thailand, so I bought about a dozen!


Next time you’re in Thailand, find Bobae Tower and pick me up a few more shirts, please.


Bus rides every day from one end of the line to the other, just to see how regular folks live and commute



Chatuchak Weekend Market, another world famous tourist and shopping spot









Visited a high-end tailor shop….don’t ask me why. They don’t carry my style of shirt



Okay, send the kids out of the room, things are about to get hot!

My home for two weeks in Thailand, Amarin Inn – Khao San Road Guest house, Bangkok. Tell them the Jamaican sent you!




Fatima at the Amarin Inn front desk!




One last view of Bangkok!

Walt’s Table o’ Food!

Just finished a 14-day extended, water-only fast (details here)! During that time, the stores here on Saipan had quite a few sales, overstock sell-offs and other deals on some of my favorite items. So, even though I wasn’t eating anything, I was stocking up in anticipation! Now that the fast is over, here’s what my “table o’ food” looks like!

In this shot: Arrowhead spring water, barley, grated local coconut, Follow Your Heart® Vegenaise, Spectrum® virgin coconut oil, Newman’s Own® tomato&basil pasta sauce, buckwheat noodles, Terra® plantain chips, Terra® taro chips, Wild Harvest® Blue corn chips, Lightlife® original tempeh, Green Vibrance® super food, Now® Flax seed oil, Sun Warrior® Liquid Light Fulvic Minerals, Inka® plantain chips, Bob’s Red Mill® TVP, Kirkland® maple syrup, local (scallion, sweet potato, bananas), Mestemacher bread, fresh malunggay aka moringa, Lara® bar, Bragg® coconut liquid aminos, Bragg® Apple Cider Vinegar, Wholesome® Organic raw unfiltered honey,  Bob’s Red Mill® Pear Couscous, Diamond G® brown rice, Culinary Circle® grapeseed oil, Lucky® Epsom Salt (for liver&gallbladder flush in a few days) + copy of Fast & Grow Young

BY REQUEST: AVAILABLE ON SAIPAN: (Leave your own comment or question below)
▪ Arrowhead spring water (Costco aka “Joeten Superstore”)
▪ barley (Joeten)
▪ grated local coconut (Garapan Public Market)
▪ Follow Your Heart® Vegenaise (Payless)
▪ Spectrum® virgin coconut oil,
▪ Newman’s Own® tomato&basil pasta sauce,
▪ buckwheat soba noodles (Joeten and other locations)
▪ Terra® plantain chips, Terra® taro chips (Joeten, Payless)
▪ Wild Harvest® Blue Corn chips (Joeten)
▪ Lightlife® original tempeh (Payless)
▪ Inka® plantain chips (Joeten)
▪ Bob’s Red Mill® TVP (Joeten)
▪ Kirkland® maple syrup (Costco)
▪ local (scallion, sweet potato, bananas (Garapan Public Market)
▪ Mestemacher bread (Joeten)
▪ fresh malunggay aka moringa (any street corner, backyard on Saipan!)
▪ Lara® bar (Joeten)
▪ Bragg® coconut liquid aminos (Joeten)
▪ Lucia’s whole cassava (Joeten)
▪ Bragg® Apple Cider Vinegar (Joeten, Payless)
▪ Shaman Shack® Sea Clear
▪ Wholesome® Organic raw unfiltered honey (Joeten)
▪ Bob’s Red Mill® Pear Couscous (Joeten)
▪ Diamond G® brown rice (Multiple locations on island)
▪ Culinary Circle® grapeseed oil (was on sale at Payless)
▪ Lucky® Epsom Salt (for liver&gallbladder flush in a few days) (multiple locations on island),

Tip: Speak with Gemma or Darlene at Joeten, and Morgan at Payless with any special requests.

▪ Green Vibrance® super food,
▪ Now® Flax seed oil,
▪ Sun Warrior® Liquid Light Fulvic Minerals
▪ Shaman Shack® Sea Clear (kelp, miso, fermented chlorella)



A 2020 & 2021 Saipan COVID Update


Great question, Maxine! As of Sept 4, 2021 (
• 248 total confirmed cases since March 28, 2020

• 1 active hospitalization

• Two deaths

• The reported positive tests are passengers coming in on flights from Guam

• Search my jamaican in china dot blog for a-2020-saipan-covid-update for what things were like a year ago today

Everyone follows the mask and social distancing rules here! There was, however, video of one “Karen sighting” at a local restaurant that went viral.

MARCH 2020:
In case you’re curious: I recently shared a “Saipan Update” with my previous tour clients. I thought it might be of interest to the HappierAbroad network! In case you’re curious:

Here on Saipan…

▪ Things are quiet.

▪ No school.

▪ No church services.

▪ restaurants are closed.

▪ No tourists driving bright pink Mustangs (not sure if that was a thing when you were here)

▪ Air is cleaner (It was always so, but I suspect it’s even better now!)

▪ Supermarkets are open, and other such essential stores have been asked by the government to close at 1pm.

▪ There’s been no panic buying–except a bit of a run on hand sanitizer,isopropyl alcohol,garlic and ginger! So, shelves are stocked and shopping proceeds as normal, albeit at a 6-foot spacing.

[i]Well stocked shelves[/i]

▪ Mail delivery to the post office continues.

▪ There’s an 11pm to 5am curfew

▪ I canceled my March and April tours back in Feb since I wasn’t comfortable encouraging folks to travel and possibly put myself and others in the community at risk.

On another note:
No international flights coming or going.

No guests in hotels.

No tour buses around.

So, those businesses and individuals who relied 100% on tourism-generated income might be a bit challenged.

Hermits and recluses can cope. The incurably gregarious might be going stir crazy.

In general, though, I’d say things are pretty civilized….The nice thing about life here is that we’re more in touch with nature and less dependent upon supermarkets as the single source of food. (People fishing more, others have fruit trees on their properties, etc.) so I think that sense of desperation is less here.

p.s. I believe I’ve read somewhere, “1 confirmed case in the “hospital” at Kanoa Resort.”

*If it wasn’t a thing when you were here, I’ll explain the Mustang phenomenon:
It must have started about 2 years ago, then. The growing wave of young Chinese tourists were all renting Mustang and Camaro convertibles to sport about the island and (most importantly) take photos posing on the hood for uploading to the latest social media sites. The most popular of these “skittle colored cars,” as one my guests called them, was hot pink, but you could find bright green, blue and an occasional red! They were everywhere! And, the kids must have purchased their driver’s licenses at the same rental companies because they quickly garnered a reputation of doing odd things like driving on (and getting stuck in) Saipan’s sandy beaches, stopping in the middle of the road to read maps, raising convertible tops while driving and all manner of mayhem! (Fun to watch the trainwreck!)

I’ve included a photo of a Mustang convoy at Banzai Cliff.

[i]I don’t know if they knew each other before they arrived, or if the meetup was spontaneous![/i]

p.p.s. With an inordinate amount of time on my hands, I’ve been devoting more time to growing my 5 Youtube channels (feel free to subscribe and click the alert bell to help raise my numbers and future income):
▪ The Passion Prophet channel features a new “Turn Your Pandemic into Profit” series”

▪ The Ageless Adept channel features a new “Cleancell Optimized Vitality, Immunity & Detox” series (I’ll spare writing the obvious acronym) for folks who’ve asked what I eat and how I boost my immunity as a fanatic vegan of the past several decades!

And, if you were losing sleep worried about me roaming the deserted streets of Saipan to do my shopping, fear not! I did get a car a few months ago. Hmmmm.. “The Streets of Saipan” (I’ll probably do Covid Edition Drive Through Saipan to add to the video series) The first one I did when I first arrived on Saipan now has 20,000 views: