In a few hours, I plan to close out Day 14 of my water fast here on Saipan. While there are always deeper levels of cleansing to achieve by going longer, I think this is the right time because:
(a) my tongue has been clean and pink (no white coating) for the past few days
(b) seems my digestive processes are reactivating and causing gurgling in my stomach and some gas
(c) I’ve been dreaming of food (I read somewhere that’s a sign–a message from the more accutely bodily-intuned subconscious, perhaps)
(d) a bump on my temple (a location that corresponds to the liver, according to Traditional Chinese medicine face map; see image below), which has been present throughout the fast, is now disappearing.
(e) the healing shall go on! Even once I start drinking juices, the healing won’t stop, it will merely slow
and continue on the trajectory I’ve set!
I put out a call here on the Saipan Facebook page for anyone who knows where I can get locally-grown oranges, as that juice is the first step of transitioning back to solid food! I got one lead I’ll be following up on today!

To discover more about the process, including my daily fasting log and other “secret” practices I use to stay young, check out the brand new: A Clean Cell Never Dies