Tag Archives: saipan tourism

Chinese idol group, SNH48, films video on Saipan

Chinese Idol Group SNH48 films video on Saipan

As I prepare for the next “Jamaican in China” nomadpreneur travel adventure starting with Macau in a few days, I’ll share my most recent “passionpreneur/follow your passion and do what you love/Jamaican on Saipan/saipanpreneur” adventure!

Now it can be told!

Back in January, ZanyBros, Korea’s biggest video production company (known for their work with K-pop artists in the global “Hanryu” Korean Wave pop culture explosion) , contacted me to help them arrange a video shoot on Saipan for Chinese idol group, SNH48, for their latest release. After months of planning and preparation, an advanced team arrived on March 17, the remaining film crew arrived on March 20, and filming took place from Saturday March 21 to Monday March 23. Here are just a few of the 1200 photos documenting the project with me as location manager along with my project partner, Chang Yoon Suk, PR Director of the Korean Association here on Saipan.
(photos by Ferdinand Ramos)

ZanyBros and SNH48 video on saipan

Meeting Director Kim, Assistant Director Lee, and Producer Nomura at the airport

ZanyBros and SNH48 video on saipan

Chang, me, Lee, Kim and Nomura scouting locations days before the shoot

ZanyBros and SNH48 video on saipan

Chang has an idea

ZanyBros and SNH48 video on saipan

Shooting around the island ( Banzai Cliff) 24 artists, 25 artist support staff, 17 film crew, 5 fifteen-passenger vans, 2 siennas, 2 pickup trucks, Korean-English translator, Korean-Mandarin translator, drivers, equipment, generator….now let the fun begin!

ZanyBros and SNH48 video on saipan

Doing the location manager thing…

ZanyBros and SNH48 video on saipan
Internationally famous Carolinian singer, Gus Kaipat, as sound engineer

ZanyBros and SNH48 video on saipan
Drivers for a day, Mario, Conrad, Kevin, Alejandrof, along with me and Nomura

ZanyBros and SNH48 video on saipan
Producer Nomura, Chang, Marlin and me

ZanyBros and SNH48 video on saipan
On location at the Bird Island trail

ZanyBros and SNH48 video on saipan
Behind Hyatt Hotel

ZanyBros and SNH48 video on saipan
Camera on the ground, camera on the crane, camera in the air

ZanyBros and SNH48 video on saipan

Me and a little more than a quarter of SNH48

ZanyBros and SNH48 video on saipan
Chillin’ with the local crew

ZanyBros and SNH48 video on saipan

Watching the filming…it’s a great gig if you can get it!

ZanyBros and SNH48 video on saipan
Final shot at the airport with ZanyBros! (photo by one of “Saipan’s Finest!”)

The weather was perfect!
And with our international team consisting of a Chilean overseas marketing producer, Korean film crew, Chinese artists, Japanese producer, along with a uniquely Saipan mix of Chamorro and Filipino drivers, Carolinian sound engineer, vendor owners and hotel managers from Czech Republic, Bangladesh, India, Russia, Korea, Hong Kong and the United States, along with one Jamaican location manager, we pulled it off! Things went smoothly, and all filming was finished in three days! Stay tuned for info on the release of the video and see if you can identify the various filming locations around Saipan!

Angelina at ZanyBros, Nancy McDowell and Pamela at Hyatt Hotel; Kazu, Martin, Das and Joseph at Fiesta Hotel; Helen, Yukari and Yulia at Aqua Resort; Hafa Adai Hotel; Doug Brennan and Jocelyn Pangelinan at Microl Toyota; Alex and Kit at Hertz; Divine at Islander Car Rental; Ephraim at Thrifty Car Rental; Tati and Shane at the Department of Public Lands; Top Development; Coastal Resources Management; Saipan TV, Noli at Marianas Studio; Domingo at Hanmi Hardware; Gus Kaipat; Cinta Kaipat; Lino Olopai, John Joyner; Joe Hill; Godfather’s Beach Bar; Anna Chang and the staff at Canton Restaurant; Byung Hoon Park at The Grill Hai (Fusion) restaurant; Frank Li at U-Save Car Rental; Darlene and Debra at Joeten Supermarket; Joseph at Island Equipment Rental; Gordon Marciano; Mario, Alex, Conrad, Jude, Kevin, Alejandrof, Gids, Dave, and Joe , Ichi Ban Marine Sports, plus all the security personnel, front desk clerks, and other staff, plus extra special thanks to photographer, Ferdinand Ramos, for capturing it all!

Check out SNH48 at https://www.snh48.com and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SNH48

Read more about the idol group phenomenon which started in Japan at

Check out ZanyBros at https://www.zanybros.com

Read more about business services (location management/logistics) at SaipanBookings Business Services

Saipan day tour for visiting cruise line passengers! Let’s do it again in 2013!

It’s been in the works since July of last year when the first cruise ship customer contacted me! It’s true! The Jamaican in China will be returning to Saipan once again to conduct a special tour for visitors from a major cruise line! The last once we did was a raging success! This one will be better!

If you’re one of the passengers scheduled to arrive on Saipan, CLICK HERE to arrange your day tour of Saipan! I can arrange a special World War II tour, and private tours for even a single person, so there’s no excuse!

The Changing Face of Saipan Tourism

With a title like that, I’m sure you expected a lengthy article. However, this is just a quick observation.

First of all, if you’re not aware, Saipan is a tourist island. Traditionally, visitors from its closest international neighbor–Japan–comprised the majority of visitors. In recent months, and then pivotally, as a result of the ongoing nuclear situation in Japan, visitors from that country have dropped to record lows.

Meanwhile, the number of Chinese tourists is increasing. One source on island told me the number of Chinese hotel occupants has doubled from last year.

Personally, I’ve also been meeting some great people from Shanghai and Hong Kong throughout my own travels around the island, and also through my DestinationSaipan site.

I also believe that what Saipan is really offering, as well as what people are attracted to is changing slightly, but more on that later.

Hotel on Saipan

Tourists enjoying a Saipan sunset. I think I may have seen my first green flash!

The changing face of Saipan tourism! Welcome Shanghai!