A Life Rhyme in memory of Kevin Samuels performed for Youtube by Walt Goodridge. Check out the complete archive (with audio!) at https://www.liferhymes.com
Category Archives: 2022
Are the bomb replicas on Tinian actual size?
Are the replicas of “Little Boy” and “Fat Man” on Tinian the actual size of the originals? Let’s take a tape measure to the island to find out!
Japanese tunnels parts 1 and 2
First, a nature trek with Rota native, Patrick, his wife Mel and son Justin. Then….the tunnels! Did we really find bones??? You’ll have to watch to see for yourself!
You won’t believe the gas prices here on Saipan!!!!
Q&A: How much money did you save before you quit your job?
Let the Jamaican in China Question & Answer session begin!
“How much money did you save before you quit your civil engineering job (plus the next logical question once you hear my answer)? Is it expensive to travel as a nomadpreneur?”
Ask YOUR question in the comments section of the video!