All posts by jamaicaninchina

"Once upon a time, there was a Jamaican civil engineer living in New York City who hated his job. He followed his passion, started a sideline business publishing his own books, quit his job, escaped the rat race, ran off to a tropical island in the Pacific, and started a tourism business so he could give tours of the island to pretty girls every day! He now lives a nomadpreneur's dream life, while helping others do the same!" This is his story: Read more at :

Why did you leave America?

Why did you leave America? What country did you choose? You don’t speak their language. They don’t speak yours. What were you thinking??? Yes, it’s finally here: my interview with former NY resident, now rat race escapee, Ken Marks, the Exotic Foreigner



Makati Me! Journey of a Thousand Shorts-3

What ultimately got me off Saipan and traveling again since a year before the pandemic is that I offered to help a friend shop for and furnish his empty condo in Manila. As part of the arrangement, I stayed in the apartment, so I got to travel around and shop for my own minimalist, nomad essentials and live like a local for about a week. I’ll share what I bought in another video!

A friend in need,
room guaranteed,
and tuktuk rides galore!
I live the free
Makati me
while sleeping on the floor!



Follow Bliss | Saipan! | My first post-pandemic adventure begins!

My full “Many Me,” minimalist, vegan, nomad, cheapskate adventure from Saipan to Guam to Macau to Cambodia is now being released as “A Journey of a Thousand Shorts” (60sec each with unseen video, photos & commentary) on the Jamaican in China Youtube channel. Each episode features a unique Walt’s Travel Life Rhyme, starting with #1: “Follow Bliss!” (Watch until the end to hear me perform it!)

#1 – Follow Bliss
I’m off to see the world
with just a suitcase and a smile
And crossing many borders
may not see you for a while

But if and when you think of me
my friend, remember this:
Don’t follow crowds, don’t follow fads
Look inward. Follow bliss!




Last full day in Macau

Finally, a sunny day in Macau! Went walking thru Old Taipa with my friend and fellow Jamaican, Ron.

Loved the music playing in the first café we stopped in. The sort of stuff I love(d) listening to on Claudia Marshall’s show on Fordham U’s radio station WFUV-FM (90.7) when I was in NYC. Of course, I can still enjoy it now thanks to the internet, but it’s not exactly the same! In any case, check out the song’s perfect lyrics for my last day in Macau (I’ll add a link to it in the comments)

Walked around…

Recorded a few videos…

Thanks to Ron, I had a great meeting and conversation-cum-coaching session with Macau passionpreneur Hailey, proprietress of one of his favorite spots, a café called Céleste Artisan 943, in Taipa Village. Stay tuned, I’ll be posting the full session (containing lots of tips and advice for current and aspiring passion seekers) on the @askavegan as well as @therealpassionpreneur channel on Youtube (subscribe now).

Hailey, Ron & Me


Ron headed back home to prepare for work. I walked around a bit by myself, shopped at Park & Shop (great store with healthy items)…

stopped at Lotus for some wheatgrass/kale/moringa/spirulina powder. Picked up a new subscriber to the @askavegan Youtube channel (Thanks, Lourdes! Should have taken a photo!) and called it a day! Leaving for Cambodia tomorrow!




Dating in Asia Chronicles 1-4 (2023)

Requested by men in The West as well as those who’ve escaped to The East, I’ve decided–in a series of shorts– to share a few private thoughts and observations about my personal life since moving to this side of the world. Let the oft-requested Dating in Asia Chronicles begin!



Dating in Asia 1-The Main Difference:


Dating in Asia 2-Approaching:

Dating in Asia 3-My Preferences:

Dating in Asia 4-Your Mileage May Vary: