The Short Version:
I share what I know, so that others may grow!–Walt F.J. Goodridge
Subscribe to my DiscoverSaipan Youtube channel
The Long Version:
” W i t h i n t h e f i r s t f i f t e e n m i n u t e s . . . . “
C h a n g i n g t h e G a m e
C o m e s t h e P r o p h e t
(Also available as a six-CD audio.)
W a l t ‘ s E s c a p e F r o m A m e r i c a
If you’d like to learn some other strategies for executing your own escape to live a nomadpreneur’s lifestyle of money and mobility, check out
How to Become a Nomadpreneur: A pocket guide of income strategies, travel jobs & survival tips for expats, vagabonds, techies and rat race escapees who want to see the world AND make money too!
J a m a i c a n I n C h i n a . . . . a n d B e y o n d
blog adventure in book format (Download PDF Free)
T h e J a m a i c a n o n S a i p a n
My Saipan-Specific “Resume”
As a transplanted resident of Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) since 2006, I have embarked on several projects to make a difference and to help improve the quality of life here on the island.
Since relocating here, I have:
► conducted several “Turn Your Passion into Profit” workshops and writer workshops on Saipan as well as the neighboring islands of Tinian and Guam for the Chamber of Commerce and US Navy.
► launched the “We Love Saipan” website/blogger movement then 20 additional sites devoted to showing the world the often overlooked images and impressions of Saipan and the CNMI (Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands).
► started a Food Co-op/Buyer’s Group as well as a GoogleGroup for vegetarians, vegans and other health-conscious residents.
(Screenings of health documentaries are being planned in order to raise the health consciousness on island!)
► written over 300 empowerment articles for the Saipan Tribune newspaper in my weekly Saipanpreneur Column which ran for five years.
► written for The Marianas Variety, Guam Business Journal and Marianas Business Journal,
Jamaican on Saipan! My first year and impressions of life on a different island paradise!
to further encourage entrepreneurial activity on the island, and….
Diary of a Chinese Garment Factory Girl on Saipan, co-authored
with former garment factory worker Chun Yu Wang. It remains the only first-hand account of factory life on Saipan during the “Garment Era” and was used as a textbook in several “Textile Industry” and “Women’s Studies” courses in at least three universities in the mainland US. Portions of t were excerpted in a French textbook on the American Dream
► conducted numerous “Little Flights of Fancy” writer workshops for other published as well as aspiring authors. View
► Launched to provide all-day, personalized tours of the islands to visitors interested in the history and culture.
True to my dream, I actually do give tours to pretty girls (and everyone else)!
► Launched
to help visitors experience the best of Saipan’s accommodations and activities,
► I’ve been asked to provide location management for visiting film crews, coordinate logistics for research teams, arrange interviews with local resident for authors, and even participate in documentaries about the Northern Mariana Islands:
► I’ve been interviewed by authors writing books on this US territory (See The Not Quite States of America by Doug Mack)
► I’ve been featured as an expert in the documentary, “American’s Forgotten Colonies” (77,000 views as of this writing)
► I launched a campaign to encourage Crayola Crayons to name their new blue color “Saipan Blue” in tribute to the amazingly blue waters that surround the island!
► I launched a successful GoFundMe campaign to help certain victims and survivors of the category 5 super typhoon YUTU,
R e c o g n i t i o n o n S a i p a n
for my contributions to Saipan, its residents and economy. View it here
► been recognized by American Memorial Park (National Park Service) for my efforts to increase visitorship through my tours January 11, 2018 See: Photo in Marianas Variety newspaper
I s h a r e w h a t I k n o w , s o t h a t
o t h e r s
m a y g r o w !
When it comes to making changes in your life, following your passion
and living true to yourself, here are the points I’m here to prove:
A. Others are doing it.
B. You can do this.
C. Everything you believe…is wrong.
D. Therefore, once you free yourself from the deceptions under which
you are operating, your life can change dramatically!
When I first heard your personal story of the experiences that led you to the path of the passion pursuit, I knew you were achieving what many people think is out of their reach. You made me see that achievement had never been out of the reach for me. After attending your seminar and purchasing your book, I knew that the passion within me could only be profitable once I decided to take the necessary steps to success. I saw you as someone I was able to connect with and it made me think, “If he can do it, so can I.” I am currently turning the passion I have of creating artwork, photography and dance to that next level. No longer are these just hobbies but a way of life that is invigorating, challenging and fulfilling. I feel a deeper connection to the purpose of this life path I am on. By focusing on this passion of creation, I am liberating myself from the limits of doing something I had no passion for. Getting Turn Your Passion into Profit was one of my first steps to acknowledging my own purpose, power and freedom. Thank you! And this comes straight from the heart because that is where passion truly lives. Peace and blessings!”–Nicole Woo, DC
Read more testimonials, reviews and feedback
H o w I D i d I t
1. choose a different belief system
2. practice veganism (stop eating garbage)
3. maintain youth, perfect health & long life
4. reclaim your power
5. discover your purpose,
6. turn your passion into profit
7. create passive, residual income from your passion
8. practice mimimalism
9. achieve prosperity through “individual capitalism”
10. uncover the various limiting deceptions, and break free
11. escape from America (or wherever you feel trapped!)
12. enjoy global living and dating
13. help others do the same
R e c l a i m Y o u r P o w e r
B r e a k F r e e
L i v e T r u e T o Y o u r S e l f
T u r n Y o u r P a s s i o n I n t o P r o f i t
it is necessary to create streams of income that can free you from a dependency on a paycheck. It’s a very practical consideration. The more dependent you are on a single source of income for your survival, the less free you are.
B e c o m e a N o m a d p r e n e u r
doesn’t require my physical presence in any one location. That’s MY choice. However, YOU might wish to sit at home all day and watch television. It’s your choice!
S t a r t H e r e
(2) 7 Conversations to Freedom, and (3) The Integrated Life which you can get when you join my mailing list (below). Then order a copy of my book, Ducks in a Row: How to find the courage to finally QUIT your soul-draining, life-sapping, energy-depleting, freedom-robbing job now…before it’s too late..and live passionately ever after!, which you’ll receive when you order Turn Your Passion Into Profit!
Well, that’s just a little about me. I hope you find something in my own story that you can relate to and that inspires you to create your own dream life of freedom, function and fun!
NEXT: Check out the philsophy and formula I used to turn my passion into profit!