Next item on the checklist: Transportation!
Okay. Let’s do something different this time! I’ve done Canada by car, Laos by bus, China by plane… What’s next? I know, let’s do the boat thing!
Uh-oh, waitaminit!! Last time I did Tinian by ferry back in 2007, I started to get nauseous, but I’m willing to give it another adventurous Jamaican try! In the spirit of the great Jamaican explorers of past and present, I will explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations; boldly go where NO JAMAICAN HAS GONE BEFORE!!! Um, sorry…got a little carried away there. Ahem.
So, where to find a boat? Hmmmm. Well, I’m on a little island in the middle of the Pacific. Shouldn’t be too hard!
Voila! a boat:
Inspecting the boat with a few curious passengers
Discussing logistics with the owner and captain
Cool! Cool! Cool! Seems like I’m all set. I’ve got my tent. I’ve got my boat. Packed a few things of tremendous importance (i.e. Lara bars), and I’m almost ready to push on through!
The only question that remains: Where on earth is this nomadpreneuring, minimalist, vegan Jamaican heading this time???? Patience, my dear friend. Patience. Stay tuned!
p.s. If you know of any NATURAL anti-seasickness remedies or advice (no drugs, no patches), please let me know (just hit reply)