“What’s the cost of living on Saipan?” “Can I survive on my $700/month SSI?” I get questions like that a lot on my www.saipanliving.com website. So, as a public service for those seeking to relocate here, here’s what you can get for $20 on Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, as of Saturday, July 12, 2014.
1 pineapple ($2.60)
1 watermelon ($4.50; ~7lb @ 0.65/lb)
1 pack peppers (1.00; 24count)
bananas (0.75; small bunch)
1 papaya (2.00)
guavas (1.60)
avocados (1.50)
sweetsop (2.00; plate of 6)
soursop (1.00)
mangos (1.00; bag of 5)
dry coconut (1.00)
Total: 18.95
…purchased at the Sabalu Market* on Saipan! (*every Saturday from 6am to noon next to World Resort/Hanwha Hotel and Naked Fish Restaurant). If you hurry you can still catch it!
Narcisim Alert:
That list also answers another frequent question I get: “What on earth do you eat, then, you crazy vegan nutjob?” Well, for the past 44 days I’ve been doing a completely raw food diet; nothing fried, poached, steamed, boiled, baked, or barbecued. Simply fruits and vegetables (including sprouted lentils). Except for coconut water, lara bars, Terra chips, and my “Jamaican-Superman-please-stop-I-can’t-take it anymore” Coleslaw (top secret, but if you ask nicely, I’ll share it) that list is pretty much all that I eat. That purchase should be completely consumed by about Tuesday–just in time for the Tuesday Market in Garapan!
If you’ve ever wondered what you’d look like if you ate completely raw for 44 days after being completely vegan since 1992, here’s a sample (your mileage may vary):
Vegan nomad eats raw; Fries brain with cell phone
Makes sense about the fruit trees.
Trees are usually big and sturdy enough to withstand the elements, I don’t see why they need to add fertilizers to say a 50 foot apple tree.
Also did you mean $20 US?
Yes, $20 US. As a commonwealth of the US (like Puerto Rico) Saipan is on the US dollar, but it stretches a bit farther, in my experience!
Very entertaining read Walt. A couple of things:
1) it’s very interesting to see fruits & veggies that look like they were fully vine ripened. Most fruits in American supermarkets are picked green & then shipped thousands of miles.
2) What percentage of the local fruits/veggies would you say is organic?
That’s just one of the many things I love about Saipan: the fruits are picked a day or so before sale, and it’s always better for the body to eat food that is growing in the region in which one lives. Just about 100% of the FRUITS are organic. The fruit trees are everywhere around the island–in people’s backyards and on the street. The veggies, however, are grown on farms, and many of the farmers use pesticides during the early stages of the plants’ development. However, I’ve asked around and found some farmers who use natural methods of pest control (cayenne, neem oil, etc).
Interesting! What caught my attention was the peppers. What do you do with those considering you are raw vegan?
I eat them raw. Chop them up and put them in my salad or coleslaw. I don’t eat ALL the seeds inside since it’s a bit too hot for me, but pepper is good for digestion, for blood cleansing and to help with the absorption of nutrients/vitamins when you take any herbs, tea or supplements. Sometimes during the day (like right now), I’ll just start munching on one like candy and take a little at a time every hour or so until it’s done. (again, avoiding most of the seeds until I get to be more like the Trinidadians!)