It’s Sunday, April 21, 2013! The countdown date has arrived! So, what, you ask, is the significance of this date? Well, if you guessed “he’s on the move again,” you’d be correct! That’s right, I’m escaping from America once again! (You can check out the first two escapes here and here
First, however, let’s recap a few highlights from the past 18 months. New York has served its purpose and I’ve gotten to accomplish quite a few things I probably wouldn’t have otherwise. Thanks to Dan Shor and Eric Norcross, I filmed a Jamaican in Chinatown video;got introduced to Kindles and Nooks and converted most of my books to Kindle and Nook formats; wrote a few new books; (even a relationship guide; launched a few new websites. Created some software to launch FreeSummerConcerts nationwide. So, now it’s time to say goodbye.
And, within just the past two weeks, in preparation for my travels, I:
Bought my one-way ticket online ($197)
Upgraded my Macbook Pro with a 1 Terrabyte (1000 Gigabyte) hard drive ($97), so I don’t have to travel around with two heavy external hard drives. Installed it myself courtesy of Youtube videos.
Renewed my green card (a smooth, quick and painless proces; Well, painless except for the $450 fee–$385 application + $65 Biometrics)
Received a Canon S100 digital camera as a gift to chronicle the adventures! This should take better pics than the one I bought on Hainan during my last days in China
Went to Jackson Heights, Queens, for the requisite white kurta/punjabi/fatwa shirt….($25 each at Shukmoney Fashions 37-14 74th Street Tell them Walt sent you)
…and at 8:30am, I packed, walked to the JFK Airtrain and headed to Kennedy airport! ($5.00)
Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! What exciting, mysterious, exotic location will the Jamaican in China find himself this time?
Well, hold on to your seats! It’s time to don my secret identity and transform into alter ego and become …
The Jamaican in ….
wait for it
the landing (on youtube)…Those in China can view it here
to end up finally, as the Jamaican in …..
That’s right! Jamaica!
Huh??? What the —-
p.s. Returning to Jamaica for the first time since 1997, I chose to fly on Jamaica’s new privately-owned airline, Fly-Jamaica airlines! Only $197 for a one way ticket from JFK to Kingston! Had a chance to meet and chat for a bit with the CEO’s daughter (very nice!) and gave a few suggestions! Great service, quick flight! Great experience! Visit
* For the record, as you see in the video, the much maligned and previously embarrassing Jamaican “applause-upon-landing” is now happily encouraged by the flight crew! Oh, well! It does add to the unique atmosphere of landing on Jamrock on the “national” airline! So, we’ll all have to get used to it!