A Saipan-Specific Video Resumé

Here’s a video resumé of my Saipan-specific books, websites, workshops, school visits, campaigns and adventures from 2006 to the present! If you’ve ever attended or been part of Beautify CNMI, blogger, Friends of the Monument get-together, you might have been captured by the camera! (a sequel to the “What’s It Like Being Jamaican in Saipan” interview!)


0:33 Introduction

2:01 SECTION • Saipan-Specific Creations
Walt has written a slew of Saipan-specific books, websites, mobile phone apps and designs for t-shirts and merchandise!

2:06 Books

4:09 Websites

6:03 Apps & Merchandise

7:01 SECTION • Helping Others
Walt has conducted workshops, visited schools, created health groups in an effort to help others

7:05 Workshops

13:49 School visits

14:15 Health&Wellness

15:41 SECTION • Showcasing Saipan to the World
From the Saipanpreneur Project to the “What’s it Like to Be Jamaican on Saipan” interview, walt has showcased the best of Saipan in his Saipan Tribune column, 3rd party documentaries and books, websites, tours and in the media!

15:45 Saipanpreneur Project

16:08 Saipan Documentaries & Books

17:35 Jamaican on Pagan

19:03 Tourism (clients, cruises, vets, authors, researchers, filmmakers)

23:49 Media Appearances

26:37 SECTION • Community Involvement & Activism
Walt has launched crowdfunding campaigns and petitions, co-created a platform for bloggers, volunteered for community movements and launched the first Speech & Essay contest as part of the CNMI’s annual Martin Luther King, Jr. commemoration.

26:43 Campaigns (GoFundMe, Change.org)

28:02 Community Matters (Bloggers & Tree Huggers)

31:20 MLK Day annual commemoration

36:08 Closing (patience)