The reason I share with you the cost of airline tickets and other expenses is to show how relatively inexpensive it is to do what I’m doing. It costs $197 to fly from New York to Jamaica. $157 from Kingston to Miami, etc. I stay at hostels, couchsurfers, or with friends. While not for everyone, it’s a lifestyle that is within financial reach of many people. All you need is the freedom.
Yes, the freedom comes first–at least it did for me. I’d like to suggest to you that freedom is not dependent on money. Money provides options, sure, but freedom is something you can claim at any time depending on your level of courage, and freedom is something you can maintain as long as you wish, depending on your level of discipline.
Between the Sunday that I decided to quit my civil engineering job, and the Tuesday when I actually handed in my resignation letter, nothing changed as far as my financial status. I was still broke! What changed was my level of commitment to live my dream. That’s what made the difference.
It’s not all “perfect” yet. The tides of revenue ebb and flow. The pendulum of profitability swings back and forth. There were ups and downs, and there continue to be ups and downs. However, the freedom is still there. The freedom is still there because I have the discipline to weather the tides of outrageous fortune.
My journey has been chronicled and made into a step-by-step guid in the books I’ve written:
I quit my job even before I had my Ducks in a Row
I was therefore able to execute and develop a Turn Your Passion Into Profit philosophy and formula,
and set an example of what Living True To Your Self means, that others can follow.
So, when you share my adventures as the Jamaican in Wherever, know that anyone can do this. I’m just an bordinary guy who simply wanted freedom bad enough.
With that said, here are some scenes from the past few days of freedom hanging out with Heru, a friend and fellow rat race escapee and nomadpreneur on the island of St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands
Heru takes me to THE coconut vendor on the road by First Car Rental, Wayne who also sells irish moss, coconut oil and other coconut-derived drinks and products
And special thanks to Wayne’s son, Eli (pronounced ALLI), who reminded his dad to make me a special batch of honey-sweetened “coconut moss” (irish moss seaweed and coconut water)!
It’s a four-cruise-ship day!
Ital Glory sidewalk cafe!
I am now officially addicted to Judy’s cooking! Clay pots, square dumplings and moringa juice $10 for a large plate with HUGE portions!
Health Food Store
Blurry shot inside health food store
Heru is “The Whole Body Consultant” on island and has a “Lunchtime at Livity” workshop at Natural Livity Kulcha Shop & Juice Bar every second Thursday of the month
Hanging with Al, Heru’s Tai Chi instructor
Heru also does two radio programs on WUVI 1090 AM, “Avenues of Healing” which airs Thursdays from 4-5:30pm Eastern Time, and “The Music & Culture Experience,” which airs Friday mornings 10:00am to 11:45. Stream live at:
Being interviewed. (on both programs)
A new friend on the University of Virgin Islands campus
Did I mention I’m a cat person?
View from the hills