The best-kept-secret-passion-prophet-nationwide-tour comes to the Queens Library for Teens in Far Rockaway!

The Queens Library for Teens is a unique project in Far Rockaway, Queens, New York. It boasts a computer center, game room, mini-recording studio and workshops to offer students aged 12-19 growth, networking and an after-school meeting place.

Since I’m passing through New York, my friend, Kim, a counselor at the library, invited me to stop by and share a few words of career advice and inspiration to her students.

It was a great, informal event. The students were very engaging, curious and asked great questions!

Queens Library for Teens. 2002 Cornaga Ave

My introduction

Awaiting the spotlight

Who wants to make money doing what they love?

Sharing the story of my first book

Great team of youth counselors!

FROM LIBRARY LITERATURE: Queens Library for Teens opened one city block from Queens Library at Far Rockaway in December 2007. A 3,000-square-foot former retail store, it is open Monday through Friday, 2:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. for young people ages 12 to 19. The library houses computers designed for several users to huddle around; plenty of relaxed, comfortable seating; and library materials of high interest to young adults, including lots of magazines, graphic novels, a recording studio, xbox, wii ps 3 test-prep materials., job readiness home work help, college club and much more.

Rules about noise and snacking are more relaxed than in the “regular library.” We’re now able to schedule more programs of interest to young adults, such as chess tournaments and how to make your own MySpace page. Pre-GED and basic education classes are ongoing and are held in the mornings.

The Library for Teens is staffed by youth counselors, a model that’s been integral to the library’s success. Queens Library trains its entire public service staff to recognize that “everybody serves youth.” Nevertheless, youth counselors have been a major asset.

You can learn more about the library at, and you can visit them on Facebook!